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Hilltop Essentials

Hilltop Essentials is the core product for Hilltop and includes the software you need to get started. It includes Hilltop Manager and Hilltop Hydro applications, software development libraries and apps for moving data in and out of Hilltop.


Your starting point for viewing and editing your data.

  • Configure your data sources and interpolation methods using multiple data types.
  • Edit and transform your data using multiple data transformation processes.
  • Add check data and quality codes to your data.
  • Define sites and their locations.
  • Create virtual measurements for on-the fly measurement transformations.
  • Import data and connect to data hosted on other systems.
  • Insert gap markers or let the software interpolate a replacement value.
  • Apply data transformations and processing rules, adjust for clock and value drift, and apply ramp corrections to repair systematic errors.


The analytical and reporting workhorse for your data.

  • Compute statistics such as mean, median, standard deviation and percentiles and other environmental data statistical methods.
  • Create a collection of sites and return the most recent value, the time and value of recent peak flow, and rainfall totals over recent intervals.
  • Plot actual and derived data like fixed interval averages, moving means, volume, or cumulative sum.
  • Compute averages over an interval or repack the data to a given interval for importing daily or monthly means into a spreadsheet.
  • Export data to Excel, CSV, and the clipboard.
  • Apply data correlation and interpolation rules to prepare data for analysis using software like SYSTAT or MIKE 11.

Also includes

  • Ingest, export and transfer applications to move data in and out of Hilltop, including on a schedule.
  • Scripting libraries for data science and application development in Python, R, and .NET.

The complete list of applications included in Essentials is the StarterKit, plus: Manager, Hydro, Hilltop Web, HydroHill, Replication (TxSend & TxLoader), MetMail, hdClient, htsUpdate, 123toHilltop, CSVImport, and Hilltop CLI.

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Schedule and track sample collection for water quality analysis.

  • Set up recurring and ad hoc runs to schedule water quality sampling.
  • Attach additional metadata from the field or the lab.
  • Manage multiple labs and their tests.
  • Print labels and lab analysis forms and manage data entry forms.
  • Import field data captured in ESRI Survey123 forms.
  • Submit samples to the lab for analysis and import test results automatically.
  • Organise sampling into projects and attach cost centres.
  • Report on water quality data in plain tables or flexible web page layouts you design yourself.
  • Review results before moving it into other Hilltop apps for further data management and analysis.
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Process streamflow gaugings and construct rating curves for non-linear data transformations.

  • Process streamflow gaugings using extensions added to Manager.
  • Construct rating curves using the Ratings app.
  • Import field instrument data collected during a gauging.
  • Store the original data and calculate flow to check the gauging and correct errors.
  • Compute the flow and store both the raw data and the results.
  • Convert river level to flow using ratings.
  • Build ratings as calibration curves for sensors to correct drift or transform non-linear measurements.
  • Apply two sets of ratings sequentially, e.g., from river level to flow and from flow to sediment yield.
  • Construct a curve based on calibration data, such as stream flow gaugings.
  • Use the editor to change the rating to achieve the desired fit.
  • Use cross-section information like bed level across the section to compute the area and the conveyance. The conveyance calculation gives the shape of the rating curve at the bottom of the rating curve, and the area information lets you see the velocities at the top end of the curve.
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Process cross-sections surveyed to reduced level datum.

  • Group sections together in a reach. Defined a reach using a set of survey sections and work with the reach as an entity.
  • See how cross-sections behave over time.
  • Compute the volume under a riverbed and show how it changes over time.
  • Combine the spatial dimensions of the riverbed with time.
  • Extend a section using levels collected from a previous survey for occasions where the cross-section is only partially surveyed, for instances where the main channel has changed but the berm or higher terraces have stayed the same.
  • Show how a section like an eroding riverbed is changing. Draw the reduced level at an offset over time and the area under the section. The results are listed in a table, and a graph, and rates of change are calculated over a month or a year. This is useful for tracking gravel movement down a river.
  • Work with beach profiles to compute the volume of sand in a dune and how this is changing.
  • Export to MIKE 11 for more detailed analysis.
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Manage bores and wells.

  • Attach bore names to a site that follows your coding schema, enhancing data organisation.
  • Use the map to navigate your bore and well sites.
  • View a summary of bore data and copy it to the clipboard for easy export to Word or Excel.
  • Group bores into aquifers, allowing for efficient organisation and visualisation on the map with colour-coded markers.
  • Perform a radius search to identify sites within a specified distance from a point on the map.
  • Access lithographic cross-sections and customize lithologic layers using your own patterns, keywords, and colours for effective visualisation.
  • Store comments and documents associated with a bore.
  • Store owner information and contact details for a bore.
  • Customize reports using Hilltop Forms, with custom layouts and styles.
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Monitor your data and send alerts.

  • Check data against limits using upper and lower limits or only one limit for high-level alarms.
  • Monitor data for timeliness and generate alarms if data is late.
  • Report alarm resets via email.
  • Continuous operation as a Windows Service, ensuring 24/7 monitoring.
  • Prevent repeated alarms by using dead-band settings for data near limits.
  • Delay resets until data drops below a specified level.
  • Monitor rainfall through interval-based data monitoring and multiple alarms for different intervals.
  • Enable or disable alarms as needed.
  • Configure schedules and intervals for checking and sending alarms.
  • Send regular emails at specified intervals using the latest data, regardless of alarms.
  • Set after-hours recipients for alerts during non-working hours.
  • Customize email subject lines, attachments, and parameter substitution for dynamic content.
  • Multiple email transport options, including Extended MAPI, SMTP, and SQL Server.
  • Integrate with IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems, specifying phone numbers and messages for IVR alerts.
  • Group phone numbers for efficient notifications.
  • Integrate with Hilltop Telemetry groups for coordinated monitoring.
  • Write alerts to XML for consumption by websites or other systems.
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Organise and calibrate your assets.

  • Store and organise your assets in a database.
  • Create asset categories and nest categories for structured organisation.
  • Assign colours and images to categories for visual identification.
  • Add URLs and comments to provide additional information.
  • Set out-of-service locations and repair centre details.
  • Group assets into portfolios based on your preferences.
  • Store asset purchase details, depreciation information, and financial data.
  • Manage health and safety risk levels.
  • Store calibration information for instruments like calibration intervals and warning intervals.
  • Capture calibration details and dates, head units and sensors for multi-parameter instruments.
  • Store verification readings for sensors.
  • View the history of asset moves and changes.
  • Store calibration certificates and related documents.
  • Integrate with document management systems for enterprise document storage.


Make your data available on the web.

  • Publish catalogue information, data and statistics through a web service API running on Microsoft’s IIS web server.
  • Publish in XML or JSON formats.
  • Accept incoming data like forms, CSV or Hilltop XML from authenticated users.
  • Generate charts based on a requested layout.
  • Publish using OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) protocols Web Feature Service (WFS) and Sensor Observation Service (SOS), using the WaterML 2.0 encoding standard and the Hydrology Domain Profile, an extension to SOS to provide data discovery features.
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Receive data from external sources.

  • Modem and logger concepts separate the "how" of data retrieval (modem) from the "what" of data content (logger).
  • Modem types include Hilltop, RF95, Telephone, Pager Activation, GPRS Polling, GPRS Listener, FTP, SFTP, TCP/IP Polling, and File System.
  • Fetch data on demand or on a schedule.
  • Control log files as separate files for each site or combined by modem.
  • Client and server versions to send or receive data.
  • Harvest SPE (Serial Port Extenders) for data collection, including RIP (Remote IP) address.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019.
  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor
  • RAM: 4 gigabytes (GB).
  • Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device.
  • Display: 9" or larger high definition (720p) display with at least 8 bits per colour channel.
  • Database: SQL Server (recommended) 2016 or 2019 versions; Microsoft Access versions using Jet engine 4.0 (mdb).
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